Jul 24, 2018

Suqqu Eye Color Palette 03 Aoruri

Suqqu Aoruri Eye Color Palette Aoruri swatch review

This is my first Suqqu makeup, ever. I don't know why it took so long for me because all my favorite beauty bloggers have been raving about this refined Japanese brand for years. I order many things sight unseen so the fact I have to rely on online swatches doesn't bother me at all, but maybe I didn't want to be bothered with that elusiveness which the brand seems to project almost intentionally. 

Aoruri came out sometime in 2014 and I remember thinking the slightly dusty purple and blue looked perfect and that iridescent white top coat color was lovely. Then, I forgot about it and collected many Lunasol eyeshadow palettes instead because they appealed to me as excellent Suqqu alternatives with youthfulness (And, they are). I thought Aoruri had been long discontinued so I was very surprised to see that it's still available on Selfridge.

Suqqu Aoruri swatch

I actually bought this in the spring but kept it unswatched for months. This would have been unfathomable a few years ago but I procrastinated for some unknown reason. Was I afraid to be disappointed or to end up loving the brand and start chasing their new releases so late in my makeup game? I don't know.

Anyway, Aoruri is exactly how I imagined it to be. All colors blend and layer like dream. The complex pastel hues stay true till the end of the day. The white shimmery top coat gives this ethereal finesse to the look. 

Suqqu Aoruri review swatch

I still love blue and purple eyeshadows but nowadays I find myself reaching for them less and even feeling uncomfortable wearing them sometimes. However, I can carefreely wear Aoruri thanks to its great balance between freshness and sophistication. The creamy and light texture is kinder to my now drier lids, too.

Here I am wearing some bold color contacts with shimmer but I think Aoruri looks best with my own dark brown eyes. 

Suqqu Aoruri review swatch
(I am wearing NARS Oasis blush on the cheeks and Damage sheer lipstick on the lips.)

Aoruri turned out to be the perfect summer eyeshadow palette for me and left me wanting to try some more from Suqqu. I am afraid that I even want those impossible-to-find old ones such as Sakurakaba and Tsukiakari

(I sigh.)

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