Jan 15, 2012

Review - Shiseido Fitit Perfect Whip & Perfect Oil

First of all, I would like to thank all of you who have entered my first giveaway.
It's been lots of fun making new friends and finding more of fabulous blogs while this giveaway was going on.
Since I did not adapt a rafflecopter for entries, it is going to take some time for me to calculate exact number of them. I am planning to announce the winner by next Saturday. The winner will be selected by a random number generator. :)

Also, I appreciate all of your warm feedbacks and suggestions.
I am planning to include more skincare, OOTD posts in the future, so stay tuned! :D

Today, I wanted to share my favorite cleansing products with you.

Shisheido Fitit Perfect Whip & Perfect Oil
I have been using this combo for years. :-)

Some of you might think I am more focused on makeup stuff, but au contraire, I am a skincare junky or at least I used to be.. ;)
I came to realise (after spending thousands dollars on high-end skincare) that finding right products and simplifying the routine is more important.
Of course, it has to be backed up by good diets and exercise not too mention getting enough shut-eyes.
However, main keys in skincare regimen really come down to a few things and these elements should be the  RIGHT kinds for YOU.

Anti-Oxidant/Anti-Aging properties

I am big on using stable(! very important) sunscreen everyday and pretty much I wear waterproof sunscreens with physical agents year around.
This provides great protection but it tends to clog my pores and causes occasional breakouts, so efficiently removing the stubborn sunscreen/makeup is very important for me.

I have used cleansing oil and foaming cleanser on daily basis for a long time since I don't particularly suffer from dry skin.
I do need to find gentle and non-drying kinds since my skin is running on its inevitable aging courses. (*sigh*)

My holy grail cleansers would be La Prarie Cellular Cleansing Foam, Dermalogica Special Cleansing Gel and Shiseido Benefiance Cleansing Foam to name a few, but they are not excatly most affordable.
(The La Prarie one is now $75 a tube. crazy!)
So when you think about the value,  Shiseido Fitit Perfect series beats practically everything because it is as good as the higher-end ones.

I am specially in love with this cleansing foam.
Perfectly for the name, it whips up into very fine foam and cleanses beautifully. I only need to use a pea size and it will foam up more than I need.
(a note - I am in Manhattan, New York where water is very soft. It didn't foam as much when I brought this to my sister's house in Virginia, for instance.)
I have tried many other Japanese drugstore foaming cleansers that lather very well (Naive cleansers, for example), but they always seem to leave this tight and dry feeling after.
Perfect whip doesn't leave anything but comfortable clean feeling.
(another note - If you have extremely dry skin, it would be still too much. In this case, you should avoid all lathering cleansers and possibly water anyway.)

it is a little blurry, but do you see how finely it foams up? :)

For Perfect oil, I love its super light feel and how it washes away without leaving heavy residue.
It dissolves waterproof mascara completely and doesn't irritate your eyes.
I have also tried liquid and gel type from the same line, but the oil works the best for me. (Other forms tend to irritate my eyes for some reasons.)

stubborn waterproof eyeliner & gel liner applied on my hand

a drop of Perfect oil and some rubbing..

and it is completely clean after rinsing with water.

They both have a faint apple like scent which is pleasant. I don't like heavily scented cleansers nor like I raw ingredients smells from some unscented products, so this is perfect for me. :)

I am sure in Japan you could get these at cheaper price.
Here in the U.S. they retail around $14-15 each. I usually stock up from online stores.

I think I am going to use this cleansing combo for at least a few years more to come unless my skin type drastically changes. (God forbid)

Have you tried these products?
What is your favorite cleansing oil/foaming cleanser?

Do share with me. :)

Thanks for reading this long post!

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