Aug 9, 2015

KLENSPOP | Sio 3 Color Lizzy Blue

KLENSPOP kindly provided a couple more silicone hydrogel contacts for review. Now I am totally hooked on contact lenses made of silicone hydrogel (I find this article to be a good guide) and can't imagine wearing anything else. The difference in comfort level is so huge that I even switched to clear daily contacts made of the same material. They are not super thin but have this squishy feel to them, so they don't move around too much (read less halo effect). Your mileage would vary, but they definitely feel way more comfortable than non-silicone-hydrogel (or just hydrogel) lenses and stay moist all day from what I've experienced so far.

Sio 3 Color Lizzy Blue is an interesting pair. If you are looking to transform your dark eyes into bright blue, this may not be for you. If you prefer deeper blue colors and want to add a bit of a mystery, do check this out.

Sio 3 Color Lizzy Blue
Diameter : 14.2mm
Graphic Diameter : 13.6mm
BC : 8.7mm
Using Period : 6 months
Water Content : 45%
Manufacturer : Belmore
Origin : Korea

When I saw the stock photos, I suspected these would be medium blue colored contacts. Well, they looked quite blue to me from the website. Sio 3 Color Lizzy Blue consists of navy blue, violet, and purple. All together, it is more of a blurple that reminds me of blueberries. I like that three colors are well mixed in the delicate dots and strokes.

Trying to take close-up pictures, I became understand why they looked obviously blue on the product page. No matter what kind of lighting I used, the blurple color pronounces. This is probably because the pigment is on the dense side although the color contrast on dark eyes is quite low.

(Below you will see a bunch of eyeballs. I am not afraid of them because they are my eyeballs, but I still feel that I need to warn you.)

Indoor, bright soft box lighting

Direct sunlight

Indoor, indirect natural lighting

Soft box lighting with some makeup on

But still, none of them really represents how Sio 3 Color Lizzy Blue looks in real life. It is frustrating because I attempted many times to capture it, but I hope you can understand what I mean from the following overall look.

Yup, they look natural and perfectly fine to wear to work (or anywhere really). 
Indoors, they make my eye colors even deeper and more defined only occasionally flashing a hint of blue which will make other people wonder. And I think the subtle color contrast between deep blue and dark brown eyes is rather beautiful. 
For some reason, my skin looks brighter and clearer when I wear them. I've tried quite a few makeup pairings, and they look best with minimal eye makeup, which is another interesting and unexpected effect I really enjoy!

The only thing I am not so crazy about is that the outer rims are too perfectly round. I guess this would be actually a plus if you are going for a dolly look, but I personally prefer contacts with softer definitions.

*The products were provided by KLENSPOP for review purposes.*

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