Mar 1, 2014

Review, Swatch - L'Oreal Infallible 24 HR Eyeshadow Burst Into Bloom

L'Oreal Infallible is the range that I reach for most frequently in daily eye makeup routines.
The creamy yet slightly drier (than most squishy soft hybrid eyeshadows) texture is very easy to use and it stays on for a long time if not for 24 hours.
When L'Oreal brought out the new Butterfly Collection for Spring 2014, I was obviously intrigued but maybe not enough to make an immediate purchase.
(Once you know something is not an LE, you tend to relax a little...)

A couple months later, Burst Into Bloom still managed to sneak into my shopping cart, whispering to me "Pick me, I'm "the spring color" for you!".

L'Oreal Infallible 24 HR Eyeshadow Burst Into Bloom

Burst Into Bloom is a bright orchid shade.

And quite glittery!

Turns out she lied to me.

Burst Into Bloom is an example of "Radiant Orchid", the color of the year 2014 (by Pantone), but not-so-wearable version of it, unfortunately. 
It is too shimmery even for me (and I usually don't have any problem with shimmery eyeshadows) and there is inevitable fallouts because of the glitters.
The texture and the wear is quite consistent with other Infallibles I own, though.

Burst Into Bloom is virtually a pink shade on me, and I am not so happy about it.
(You can tell from the picture, I think?)

I am still experimenting with this color trying to make it work for me. 
I will have to tone it down by layering it over a black base or pack a motherload of it on my lids and keep other parts to bare minimum (or something cause this is still a very pretty color to look at!).

Thanks for looking.
Have you tried the new colors from Infallible Butterfly Collection?
Any tips to wear a "Radiant Orchid" shade nicely?

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